I provide the space to explore new realms of possibility, access shifts in perspective, and support you in gracefully moving into your personal-radically-evolved-emergence.
In general, the meditation is based in kundalini teachings and mindfulness; the experience is often one of a flowing energetic exploration of your own sacredness.
Yoga and meditation naturally go hand-in-hand, breath-to-breath. I teach public classes and also offer private sessions in your home, or via Skype.
Business Energy Reading| assessment
Gain a very clear holistic picture of your business, as well as inspiration for strategically graceful next steps.
More about Business Energy Readings
Command Your Domain Strategic Design Series |expansion
These nine hour-long sessions will clear and enhance your inner landscape as it relates to specific core components of a strong business. You will solidify the direction of your business and be able to respond to external events with clarity, and hence, expand and amplify results.
More about the Command Your Domain Series
Emergence Sessions | awareness
While it is important to organize and be in action, it is equally important to pause and review. Energetically (as we connect with technology, people, and the environment) we can absorb energy that is not ours and/or not helpful. We become separate from our own inherent expansive nature and attempt to control the pace of radical emergence.